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Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG)

Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG)

Hyperemesis gravidarum is protracted nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy. It can lead to weight loss, electrolyte imbalance such as low potassium or sodium and dehydration. It affects about 3% of pregnant women. It is more than just morning sickness. It is caused by the pregnancy hormone hcg

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Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication that affects about 10% of first time mums. It usually happens after 28 weeks gestation and close to the end of the third trimester. If you have pre-eclampsia you will have high blood pressure that causes a headache.

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Staying Healthy During your Pregnancy

Staying Healthy During your Pregnancy

It is important to stay active in pregnancy. Women often ask me about exercise during pregnancy. For those that have an uncomplicated pregnancy, exercise is safe and beneficial. However, if you have complications you should always check with your obstetrician if it is safe to continue to exercise. In general, what is recommended is 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week.

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