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Preterm Birth

Preterm Birth

Preterm birth is when your baby is delivered before 37+0 weeks gestation. Spontaneous preterm birth is when regular painful contractions causing the cervix to dilate leading to preterm labour and delivery. 

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Vacuum & Forceps Delivery

Vacuum & Forceps Delivery

Approximately 15% of women will need a vacuum or forceps delivery. It is more common for first time mothers. The most common reason for this type of delivery is that your baby is not tolerating the pushing stage of labour

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Labour Ward - The Aftermath

Labour Ward - The Aftermath

If you’re a first time mum you may be wondering what happens after the delivery, before you leave the labour ward. Well, here are several things that happen and they aren’t usually talked about…..

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Elective caesarean section

Elective caesarean section

There may be questions you would like to ask but don’t before you have an elective caesarean section. Dr Vicky answers the top questions she gets asked about preparing for a caesarean section. 

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