First Trimester - Week 10
Your Baby is now the size of a prune
Your baby weighs about .14 ounces and is about 1.2 inches long. Your baby has working arm joints and her cartilage and bones are forming. His/her vital organs are fully developed and stating to function, he/she is now swallowing and kicking! More minute features like fingernails and hair are also stating to appear!
Your Body
Your uterus is now about the size of a grapefruit and thus your clothes may start to feel a little tighter!
Common Symptoms:
- Aches in your Abdomen - Your baby is putting pressure on your organs, veins, muscles and ligaments which may cause you some aches and pains in your tummy. Don’t worry, this is normal!
- Tiredness – your body is working overtime, growing your baby and your sleep may be disrupted so unfortunately you may be feeling tired.
- Increase Vaginal Discharge – thanks to the pregnancy hormone estrogen, more blood is flowing to your pelvic area which will cause a thin, milky-white discharge.
- Visible veins – those blue streaks are carrying extra blood and nutrients to your baby.
- Occasional headaches – blame those hormones again! Other factors can include fatigue, hunger and stress.
Your Wellbeing