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Second Trimester - Week 13

Second Trimester - Week 13

Second Trimester - Week 13

Your Baby is now the size of a peach

Your Baby weighs about .81 ounces and is approximately 2.9 inches long. His/her head is now about ⅓ of the size of his/her body. If you could look inside your uterus you would see a fully formed baby even though he/she is still tiny!

Your baby’s vocal cords are now developing as well as bones starting to form in his/her legs. His/her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, her stomach.

Your Body

You may notice your sex drive returning as your nausea and fatigue subsides. It is perfectly safe to have sex throughout your pregnancy, so don’t worry.

Common Symptoms:

  1. Breast Tenderness and Change - Be sure to get a comfortable and supportive bra that will hopefully ease those aches and pains you are suffering as your breasts are changing.
  2. Heartburn - the muscles at the top of your stomach relax during pregnancy which allows acid to rise up into the esophagus which causes heartburn. Try and stay away from spicy or citrus foods as well as caffeinated drinks which only increase your chances of heartburn!
  3. Constipation - During pregnancy your bowl muscles relax which can cause your bowl moments to be less efficient. Try and eat high fibre foods to increase effienciency and if that doesn’t work there is always prune juice!

Your Wellbeing

As you start to feel more like yourself again and those pesky early pregnancy symptoms are gone, many women can start to feel anxious about their pregnancy. Be assured that all is most likely well so start to enjoy your pregnancy. If you have any major concerns then contact your doctor or midwife.