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Second Trimester - Week 15

Second Trimester - Week 15

Second Trimester - Week 15

Your Baby is now the size of a navel orange

Your baby is still small enough to fit into the size of your palm at approximately 4.6 inches and 3.5 ounces.

  • Tiny bones are forming in his/her ears allowing him/her to hear your voice.
  • Your baby’s legs are growing longer than his/her arms and his/her joints and limbs can all move now.
  • Many babies suffer from hiccups at this stage. You won’t be able to hear them but don’t be surprised if you feel them!

Your Body

Common Symptoms:

  • You may be more susceptible to coughs and colds due to your immune system being slightly impaired so be as carefully as you can.
  • Heartburn, gas and/or indigestion thanks to hormones. Try and avoid spicy foods, coffee and fizzy drinks if you are suffering badly as these only exacerbate the problem!
  • Increased Libido - take advantage while you’re feeling energetic!
  • Swollen and bleeding gums due to pregnancy hormones. These hormones are making your gums react different to plaque which can cause gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Be sure to take care of your teeth with regular washing and flossing.

Your Wellbeing

Now that you are into your second trimester, try and get use to lying on your side while sleeping. It is best for your baby if you sleep on your left side as it helps blood flow and nutrients to the placenta. It also allows your kidneys to get rid of waste and fluids which in turn will reduce swelling in your ankles, feet and even hands which will only benefit how you feel!!